Applied Learning Programme (ALP)
E2@BGPS, Environmental Education at Bedok Green Primary School focuses on environmental education where students are empowered with the knowledge and know-hows to do their part for the environment.
The 4 main objectives of E2@BGPS are the ‘4As -
E2@BGPS connects classroom learning with real-life applications, where students are encouraged to use their creativity and apply concepts to solve authentic problems. Through the programme, our students develop curiosity, inspire the maker mind-set, and build resilience.
There are 4 different domains under E2@BGPS. Together, they provide our students with a holistic understanding and application of all aspects of environmental education.
Under the 3Es framework - Expose, Enrich and Excel, the outreach of our programme offers a range of age-appropriate developmental opportunities for all students.
Tier 1 (Expose)
School-wide In-class Lessons - Students participate and collaborate with their peers in exciting hands-on makers’ and/or green activities found within the E2@BGPS magazine publication, which is designed and crafted by a team of teachers, with selected entries from students. Students are afforded opportunities to explore and brainstorm creative solutions pertaining to different environmental issues.
In-house designed and crafted ALP Magazines.
Content includes real-world/ contemporary issues relating to
topics/content taught in school and age-appropriate activities
Domain 4 - Alternative Energy Makers Activity
Content includes learning about forms of green energy, designing and creating a water wheel to
harness energy, and relating to real-world use in hydroelectric dams
Inter-disciplinary Project Work (IPW) - Students participate in IPW which allows them to utilise and connect concepts and subject knowledge acquire in class. Complemented with the usage of technologies and ICT tools/programmes such as Scratch, Micro:bit and Sphero, students work on projects which require them to brainstorm solutions to tackle real-life environmental issues.
Micro:bit lessons to code for an automated plant watering system to optimise plant growth
**Tier 2 (Enrich) **
Under the Tier 2 programme, selected levels take their learning out of the classroom and school into various places of interest to enrich their learning in line with our 4 domains! For instance, Learning Journeys to the Zoo, Hort Park, Gardens by the Bay!
Domain 1 - Appreciation for Natural Environment and Biodiversity Learning Journey to Hort Park
Tier 3 (Excel)
The Tier 3 programme caters to selected/ interested students who are keen to excel in various domains under E2@BGPS!
Nature Group (related to Domain 1) – The Nature Group caters to students and staff with interest in all things Green! The team tends to the community garden in the school, and to constantly think of ways to green the school environment! Some projects the team has undertaken includes setting up of the vegetable garden to grow green edible crops like Chye Sim and Kang Kong, and a butterfly garden in the school. The team is also looking into setting up a hydroponics system to further enhance and take the crop-growing ‘business’ further!
Domain 1 - Nature group activities
As part of character education, the team also work with community partners to make a positive impact to the community. For instance, the ALP Nature Group and CCE VIA team collaborated and worked with students to grow and harvest vegetables for the elderly in the elderly home.
Green Movement (related to Domains 2 to 4) – The Green Movement Group caters to students and staff who have interest in all things related to the Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse, Renew, Repair)!
Green champions from each class and Green councillors of the Student Council are the core members of the Green Movement team. They lead the school community in various environmental initiatives e.g. Recycling Movement. As advocates of the environment, students collect recyclables and sort them appropriately for recycling.
Domain 3 - Green councillors and champions bringing their sorted waste to the recycling bins
Working together with our school’s discipline committee, recycling data was also incorporated into the monthly MCA award. Students and staff are empowered to do their part for the environment.
Beyond the curriculum, the Green Movement team also plan for and carry out school-wide pre-assembly talks e.g. World Water Day and Earth Day to help raise awareness of students towards environmental conservation and protection.