Learning for Life Programme (LLP)
STRIVE (Sports and Aesthetics To ReInforce Values Education)
Inculcating values in students through learning experiences in the physical and aesthetics domain
Objectives and Rationale
In alignment with our school’s mission to empower BGPians to learn how to learn and succeed, and to nurture them to be confident persons and concerned citizens, Sports and Aesthetics To ReInforce Values Education (STRIVE@BGPS) seeks to inculcate values in students so as to develop their character and citizenship through learning experiences in the physical and aesthetics domains. Congruent to the school’s philosophy that ‘Every Child Matters’, STRIVE@BGPS is designed to equip every student with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to lead a life-long, physically-active lifestyle.
Students are given varied learning opportunities in both the sports and aesthetics domains, developing them with competencies necessary for the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world. More importantly, school values like integrity, resilience, responsibility, respect and compassion as well as the Olympic values of excellence, respect and friendship are reinforced to help them learn how to relate to others and shape expected behaviours.
Key Programmes
Outdoor Adventure Programme
BGPians begin outdoor learning experiences in lower primary through Physical Education (PE) lessons and Programme for Active Learning (PAL). Outdoor adventure camps are conducted for Primary 4 and 5 students, before culminating in an overseas Learning Journey at Primary 6.

Olympic Values Education Programme
At BGPS, our PE programme leverages Olympic Values Education, where we promote the Olympic values of Excellence, Respect and Friendship. These values align with our school values of Integrity, Responsibility, Resilience, Respect and Compassion.

Museum-Based Learning with Social Contemporary Project
Primary 4 students are introduced to the concept of National Identity through Museum-Based Learning (MBL). Learning about Singapore's past through art and visual artefacts is enriched through multi-disciplinary collaboration. In alignment with CCE, Family Education is imbibed into MBL, which enhances national identity by grounding the importance of family in our local context. As a post-MBL activity, Primary 4 students get the opportunity to create board games based on national identity through the Social Contemporary Project. These board games are used to educate our international students about Singapore's identity, from local food to places and events that make Singapore unique. Through the Social Contemporary Project, both local and international students will develop a deeper appreciation for Singapore as they play these self-created board games.