Total Curriculum Framework
BGPS Total Curriculum Framework
To prepare our students for the Future of Learning, the BGPS Total Curriculum Framework sets the focus and direction for our school’s curriculum and co-curriculum to achieve our desired student outcomes of:
A Responsible Learner who Takes Ownership (of Own Actions and Own Learning)
A Confident Person who is Resilient (in the Face of Hard Work and Challenges)
A Compassionate Person who Cares for one another (including the Community and the Environment)
The BGPS Total Curriculum Framework outlines our beliefs towards teaching and learning, the broad approaches towards total curriculum, focus areas as well as learning experiences that were designed with our students in mind.

1. Our School Vision
At the heart of the BGPS Total Curriculum Framework, we are guided by our school’s Vision of developing “Empowered Learners, Persons of Strength and Character”. Cascasding further down is our School’s Mission “To empower BGPians to learn how to learn and succeed, and nurture them to be confident persons and concerned citizens”.
2. Our Beliefs towards Teaching and Learning
(a) Every child is unique and should be well-supported.
We recognise that all our students are distinctive individuals who learn differently, and it is our role to ensure that we provide customised supported for their growth.
(b) Every child can learn, wants to learn, and can do well.
We believe that every BGPS student has the capacity and will to learn and succeed and we have to harness this well to help them fulfil their utmost potential.
3. Our Broad Approaches towards Teaching and Learning
Taking reference from our beliefs, we have outlined three broad approaches for our BGPS Total Curriculum framework:
(a) Enable All Learners
We cultivate an inclusive perspective where our teachers understand, value and accommodate to diverse learning needs. We understand and value our students’ learning differences and work towards making learning inclusive through appropriate support, intervention-based initiatives, and strengths-based approaches to talent development.
In enabling our learners, we also want them to develop awareness of their strengths and areas of growth as we help them work towards developing their talents in various domains.
(b) Enrich Students’ Learning
We aim to contextualise learning for our students to broaden their perspectives of the world around them. We seek to deepen and broaden students’ learning through exposure to world affairs, contemporary issues, and global concerns through a localised lens. Through these, students will develop critical 21st century competencies, develop globalised perspectives and work towards being advocates for the environment.
(c) Empower Learners to be Future-ready
We understand that the future world our students will be navigating through will be constantly evolving.
Being future-ready means that our students develop habits, dispositions and competencies that are critical to adapt to the ever-changing world.
They will need to work on building their socio-emotional competencies, developing positive dispositions, and mastering digital literacies. We will also place strong emphasis on the development of a growth mindset, 7 Habits and building healthy habits for them to develop resilience and adaptability.
4. Our Focus Areas
In support of the three broad approaches, six focus areas were identified:
(a) Purpose-driven Assessment and Feedback
Assessment and feedback are integral to our students’ learning progress. We believe in designing assessment and feedback that is fit for purpose for both teachers and students. Such data will help teachers deepen understanding of our students’ needs and our students gain self-awareness to reflect on their strengths and areas of growth. This will all come together to help our students to move forward in their growth in various areas.
(b) Differentiated
Based on the insight gathered from purposeful assessment and feedback, learning can be differentiated so that we can bring out the best in our students, regardless of their needs, strengths, and areas for growth. Thus, to foster students’ growth, learning is specially designed to cater to our students’ varied interests, talents and abilities.
(c) Authentic and Experiential
We aim to expose students to real-world contexts and perspectives and to provide opportunities for sense-making, deepening and application of learning. This means providing students with opportunities for them to be curious about the world around them, think critically, adaptively and inventively to problem-solve, and communicate confidently and effectively while working collaboratively.
(d) Global-minded
Being global-minded means that students need to be exposed to the world they live in and the global issues that affect them. Thereafter, they will need to discover how they connect and fit into that world. Coupled with the right values, we aim to nurture advocates with a willingness to take action on global issues while remaining rooted to our school and nation as citizens of the world.
(e) Future-oriented
In an ever-evolving world, it is important for our students to develop soft skills, like flexibility, adaptability, time management and conflict resolution, that will help them to navigate any situation that they will eventually encounter. Besides soft skills, they will also need to pick up healthy habits and coping mechanisms to develop good physical, mental and emotional health.
(f) Tech-enabled
With educational technology as a key enabler for the Future of Learning, we are committed to developing our students to have the knowledge, skills, competencies, and values for them to be savvy digital learners as they navigate the online environment and digital space.
5. Learning Experiences
The focus areas are actualised through the various learning experiences that our students go through. The curriculum and co-curriculum learning experiences are broadly categorised as follows:
Curriculum |
Co-curriculum |